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Gabriele Iuvinale
15 ott 2024Tempo di lettura: 6 min
China, pharmacy of the world, wants to monopolize African pharmaceutical market
China's plan to expand the pharmaceutical industry along the “Silk Road of Health”- the trade and investment routes created by the Belt...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
23 set 2024Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Mozambique: Chinese predatory mining exposed
CIP accuses Chinese company of environmental crimes in Angoche district The Mozambican anti-corruption NGO, the Centre for Public...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
30 ago 2024Tempo di lettura: 11 min
Liberia wants to outsource three ports to China, despite an American presence - Report
These are the ports of Buchanan and Greenville in Sinoe County and the port of Harper in Maryland County. In the background, a borderless...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
23 ago 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Beijing has its eye on a deep-water port in Liberia on the Atlantic Ocean - Report
A subsidiary of China Railways is considering investing in the creation of a major port in the West African state of Liberia. China has...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
28 mag 2024Tempo di lettura: 1 min
#Military: Russia may sign arms swap deal with Sudan, says Institute for the Study of War
Russia may sign an agreement with the Sudanese Armed Forces for a weapons exchange to support a Russian logistics hub in Port Sudan on...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
21 mag 2024Tempo di lettura: 3 min
#Geoeconomics, Chinese soft power: shipment of crude oil from Niger to China restarts
Benin's embargo on Niger's oil exports has affected the Niger government's crude oil marketing project with the China National Petroleum...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
6 mag 2024Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Chinese military experts: the U.S. is not abandoning Africa, but its troops are redeploying to contain China and Russia on the African continent
U.S. military strategy in Africa must therefore gradually shift from counterterrorism to the center of gravity of the great powers' game....
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Nicola Iuvinale
11 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 5 min
Algeria increasingly in Beijing's orbit.
China and Algeria have close diplomatic relations and that the two countries established a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2014....
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Nicola Iuvinale
8 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 36 min
Rapporto: la conquista dell’Africa da parte di Pechino. Iniziata negli anni '50, è parte fondamentale anche della sua "Liminal warfare" contro l'Occidente
Abstract Al suo ritorno dalla Conferenza del Comitato di solidarietà afro-asiatico tenutosi ad Algeri nell'aprile del '64, Bododjane...
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Nicola Iuvinale
24 ott 2023Tempo di lettura: 5 min
Le guerre per procura della Cina stanno circondando gli USA e il mondo libero. Stiamo perdendo tutto
La Cina sta appiccando incendi in tutto il mondo e dobbiamo fare presto per fermarla. Affrontare la Cina è rischioso e pericoloso? Ciò...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
20 set 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
BRI, Pechino tira i remi in barca. I prestiti cinesi ai Paesi africani sono al minimo storico
A rivelarlo è uno studio della Global China Initiative dell’Università di Boston G e N Iuvinale Secondo uno studio della Global China...
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