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Nicola Iuvinale
10 ott 2024Tempo di lettura: 6 min
Analyses: aircraft carrier Liaoning has joined forces with the Shandong on the South China Sea. The boats coordinated implementing the plan to create the marine chinese first dual-carrier battle group
Abstract Currently, the aircraft carrier “Liaoning” has joined forces with the Navy's “Shandong” carrier of the Southern Theater Command...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
13 set 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
U.S. sets up military maintenance network in Asia-Pacific
This move also serves to further strengthen the ties between the various countries involved with order to build a “regional...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
17 giu 2024Tempo di lettura: 9 min
PH submits formal claim on extended WPS shelf to UN - Full details from the 2016 Arbitration Award
According to Beijing, "The U.N. Commission will not consider or rule on it." The South China Sea plays an important role on security...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
22 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Indo-Pacific: Philippines and U.S. launch joint military exercise. Code name: "Shoulder to Shoulder."
About 150 Australian and about 100 French military personnel, as well as personnel from other Philippine government agencies, will also...
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Nicola Iuvinale
15 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 53 min
Report: Beijing's civilian maritime militia dominates the seas and oceans. Exposing and intercepting it to prevent spying is imperative
Abstract The case of Sansha City is strong evidence of the existence of China's civilian maritime militia. It was discovered in 2021...
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Nicola Iuvinale
8 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Warning from Japan: 'We are facing a turning point. Strengthen its defense capabilities. Today the announcement of the start of negotiations for Japan's membership in AUKUS vs. China
Amid geopolitical tensions showing no signs of easing, Japan has been forced to reconsider its defense posture, Japanese Prime Minister...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
12 mar 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Indo-Pacific, Beijing's concerns: the United States wants to build a (military) port in the Batanes Islands, Philippines
Located in the northernmost part of the Philippines, these islands are less than 200 kilometers from the main island of Taiwan. They are...
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Nicola Iuvinale
23 ott 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Le Filippine convocano l'ambasciatore cinese per la collisione di una nave nelle sue acque
Non ci sono segnalazioni di feriti, ma le Filippine hanno affermato che le azioni delle navi cinesi hanno messo in pericolo la sicurezza...
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Nicola Iuvinale
5 ott 2023Tempo di lettura: 4 min
"Going Dark". Le Filippine tracceranno, inseguiranno e daranno la caccia alle navi da guerra cinesi
Il confronto tra Filippine e Cina diventa sempre più pericoloso. Le Filippine utilizzeranno i satelliti canadesi per rilevare e tracciare...
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Nicola Iuvinale
4 set 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
6 Paesi rifiutano la nuova mappa cinese della “linea a 10 trattini” che include Taiwan
Almeno sei paesi vicini si sono opposti alla nuova mappa nazionale "standard" della Cina, che presenta una “linea di 10 trattini” invece...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
4 set 2023Tempo di lettura: 5 min
Stati Uniti: rafforzato lo schieramento di droni di ultima generazione nell'Asia-Pacifico
Un gruppo di velivoli MQ-4C "Mermaid Poseidon" potenziati della Marina americana sono stati schierati nella base di Guam per eseguire...
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