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Gabriele Iuvinale
20 lug 2024Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Russia signed roadmap for north-south transport corridor - Geoeconomics
This agreement, inked on July 19, 2024, outlines the synchronized development of the eastern route of the International North-South...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
15 mag 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
US threatens sanctions over India-Iran port deal
On May 13, Iran and India signed a 10-year contract to hand over the development and management of the Chabahar port in southern Iran to...
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Nicola Iuvinale
6 nov 2023Tempo di lettura: 5 min
L’asse Cina-Russia-Iran è una chiara minaccia per l’America e per le democrazie liberali
Nel conflitto globale con l’asse Mosca-Pechino-Teheran, la superpotenza americana ha bisogno di "to walk and chew gum". Israele, Gaza e...
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