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Gabriele Iuvinale
24 giu 2024Tempo di lettura: 5 min
Has Germany paved the way for "European rearmament"?
In recent times, German armaments have become an important option for many European countries to replenish their arms stocks, and the...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
7 giu 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Six NATO countries want to build a "drone defense wall" on their eastern borders
The initiative, however, faces difficulties in its concrete implementation because Germany and France are unwilling to invest in projects...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
7 mag 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Global trade growth more than doubles by 2024: "China and East Asia will be the main drivers."
The OECD, IMF, and WTO warned, however, that regional conflicts, geopolitical tensions, and economic policy uncertainty pose significant...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
13 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 6 min
How is the US militarily reshaping the “first island chain” to shackle China?
With the evolution of the system of military alliances from a "minilateral" model to a broader "regional" one, a new geopolitical concept...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
12 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 5 min
Indo-Pacific: Japan's intense foreign military cooperation
Is the Japanese military really transforming from a regional player to an "export-oriented" global army? Japan is increasingly expanding...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
10 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 3 min
The German Chancellor will soon lead a delegation to visit China because Germany still cannot do without Beijing
At this time, German trade relations are not aligned with the interests of German companies in China German Chancellor Scholz will lead a...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
27 feb 2024Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Chinese naval fleet on mission near Red Sea raises eyebrows in MidEast
A Chinese naval mission aims to “take over an escort mission from the 45th naval fleet in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off Somalia."...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
24 gen 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
European military security: a "mission impossible"?
Due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and pressure from the United States, anxiety about European security suddenly increased. However,...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
7 nov 2023Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Sicurezza energetica: Regno Unito e Germania si accordano per cooperare sulle energie rinnovabili
I due Paesi stanno anche avanzando nel progetto NeuConnect che porterà alla posa del primo cavo sottomarino che attraverserà le acque...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
15 ott 2023Tempo di lettura: 6 min
Escalation Indo-Pacifico: il Giappone militarizza le strutture civili
Tokio sta migliorando ed ampliando 33 immobili, tra aeroporti e porti civili. Dopo la ristrutturazione, le infrastrutture saranno...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
11 set 2023Tempo di lettura: 12 min
BRI: gli interessi di Pechino si stanno spostando in Medio Oriente ed Asia centrale
G e N Iuvinale Nella prima metà del 2023, le attività commerciali cinesi lungo la Belt and Road (BRI) si sono spostate dal Sud America e...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
22 ago 2023Tempo di lettura: 7 min
"Two Fronts, One Goal": la strategia euro-statunitense per battere contemporaneamente Cina e Russia
La difficile situazione degli Stati Uniti nel sostenere simultaneamente la deterrenza nelle regioni euro-atlantiche ed indo-pacifiche...
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