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Gabriele Iuvinale
6 genTempo di lettura: 5 min
Sino-Saudi relations are evolving far beyond oil. For the Gulf Kingdom, China's rapid industrialization led by central planning is an example to borrow
Economic cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia is rapidly expanding from traditional oil trade to broader areas, particularly...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
18 lug 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Middle East and Central Asia: the Chinese "monopoly" in wind power projects - Geoeconomics
Southern Power Grid enters Central Asia's largest wind power project under construction. The combined installed capacity of the Bash and...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
30 mag 2024Tempo di lettura: 14 min
Tenth Ministerial Meeting of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum in Beijing: diplomatic and economic news
Over the past four years, the depth of Sino-Arab cooperation has deepened significantly and rapidly. Against the backdrop of the United...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
29 mag 2024Tempo di lettura: 3 min
#Geoeconomics: Egypt, China presidents strengthen ties, sign agreement on Belt and Road
68 years ago Egypt was the first Arab and African country to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. This...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
22 mag 2024Tempo di lettura: 2 min
#Geoeconomics, Middle East: Chinese investment in UAE to grow by 16% in 2023
The UAE is taking steps to attract more FDI, focusing on diversifying its economy away from oil dependence. Since the launch of China's...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
19 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Reducing dependence on the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea route: Saudi Arabia will invest in the Gwadar rail project, giving new impetus to the China-Pakistan economic corridor #CPEC
As an important economic link between China and Pakistan, the construction of the Gwadar railway project will bring new opportunities and...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
8 apr 2024Tempo di lettura: 4 min
"The BRI at 10: A report card from the Global South"
A new AidData report analyzes the first survey to systematically capture perceptions of China’s BRI among leaders who make and shape...
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Nicola Iuvinale
20 feb 2024Tempo di lettura: 6 min
The third phase of Belt and Road. The defense of foreign interests by military force
The accumulation of overseas interests is what the Belt and Road Initiative does in a big way. According to PLA strategic planners,...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
20 ott 2023Tempo di lettura: 16 min
Analisi: perché il vile attacco di Hamas non va interpretato solo come una "guerra terroristica"
Le tensioni nella regione medio-orientale non dovrebbero essere viste semplicemente attraverso la lente del terrorismo islamico quanto,...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
19 ott 2023Tempo di lettura: 8 min
Nuovo ordine mondiale, Putin "vuota il sacco": ecco cosa sta realizzando insieme a Xi Jinping
G e N Iuvinale Vladimir Putin è intervenuto al terzo Belt and Road Summit Forum for International Cooperation che si sta svolgendo in...
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Nicola Iuvinale
13 ott 2023Tempo di lettura: 12 min
Cosa significherebbe per la Cina la dollarizzazione dell’Argentina?
A meno di due settimane dalle elezioni presidenziali argentine, Javier Milei, il candidato “anarco-capitalista” non convenzionale,...
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Gabriele Iuvinale
20 set 2023Tempo di lettura: 3 min
BRI, Pechino tira i remi in barca. I prestiti cinesi ai Paesi africani sono al minimo storico
A rivelarlo è uno studio della Global China Initiative dell’Università di Boston G e N Iuvinale Secondo uno studio della Global China...
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